This is another common reason that’s similar to the first one, except that you need, additionally, to check the USB cable connecting to PS4, as it might not functioning well enough.
Running games/apps from a defected external storage device. It only affects the two conflicting elements. This is also rare, but it doesn’t affect the whole system. This rarely happens, but it’s still possible that the CPU or memory chips are undergoing some kinds of defect. If your hard drive is an outdated drive, it will take a long time (up to 70-90 sec. Modern, top-notch PS4 games are coming now in huge file size and require stronger hardware to seamlessly run them. Probably there’s no hardware issue with your PS4, but you just play heavyweight games. Therefore, the hard drive itself might be undergoing performance degradation or it’s about to fail. The hard drive is no longer functioning as fast as it used to be once bought, due to several factors related to how it’s designed and the storage technologies it implements. This is the biggest reason ever for the slowness of PS4 performance. There are several reasons that make PS4 slow in performance-one reason is very common, and the rest are rare, and we will lay out almost all possible reason that makes PS4 run slow. If you’re suffering from slowness with your PS4, the first thing to suspect and inspect is the primary storage device featured by a mechanical hard drive, as it’s the main culprit (and almost the only) in such situations. Has your PS4 eventually become annoyingly slow that you no longer tolerate it? The operating system is taking ages to boot up, games and applications are much slower to load than before, and online gaming is just a nightmare to you due to the sluggish performance of your game console.